Friday, September 18, 2009

Fashion, Feminism and Marxism

While women have identified sources of oppression, and worked together to create better conditions of living, men have not.  Masculinity shares in common with the heterosexual assumption and white invisibility a tendency to take itself for granted.  Masculinity is a hegemonic structure, the questioning of which is largely taboo for the heterosexual community (to the point that naming a "heterosexual community" is really naming something that does not yet exist).  Men will even fight for their own oppression!  

For the past three years I've been wearing kilts (for two years I wore nothing but kilts excluding only situations in which a suit and tie were important).  I bought a pair of jeans recently, and while wondering why, I also wondered why I had not done any scholarly reflection on the matter.  The result of thins thinking:  This blog.

This blog is a series of reflections on kilted experience.  I'm already throwing around "big words," but that's just me.  This blog is written for men, and women, who want to embrace their being even if that means doing things out of the ordinary, or even things like being a man who likes to wear kilts (which are a style of skirt)

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